Thursday, May 27, 2010

Our Playground

There is a little playground at the church, which is about 2 blocks away, that we have played on since we moved here. But it was treacherous. The slide had some odd concoction on the end of it that just made it extremely hard to land. The baby area was an old wooden thing with a metal slide that was sharp and pointy and almost more dangerous then the big kid slide. But it's 2 blocks and we have enjoyed it anyway.

Well, they have upgraded the playground and it is awesome!!! It was a big deal The chief of police came, the principle of Farnsworth (which is most likely where Aid will go to school), and some state representatives all showed up for the event. It was fun to be part of a community event, because we love our little neighborhood and this playground only adds to it.

This playground is gonna get a lot of love!

What Goes Stomp in the Night?

This morning at 3am I woke with a gasp. I heard footsteps on the stairs. Loud footsteps. Leo whimpered a little bit. I didn't even have to wake Bob up. He heard them too and grabbed the baseball bat by his side of the bed. It was the absolute fastest I have ever seen him move in the middle of the night. Normally I hear something and beg him to go check it out so that I can fall asleep. Or he'll mumble..."If the dogs aren't barking, we're fine."

So when he jumped up and grabbed the bat, I stopped breathing. Bob doesn't panic. He ran to the door, and I ran to the boys room, ready to barricade us in and call the police while Bob fended for himself. Aid was gone.

Gone, stomping down the stairs in the middle of the night.

Little bugger must have had a dream and thought it was time to get up cause he was half asleep stomping around!! He crawled into bed with us and all was right in the world again.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Not a Serial Killer

Aid is a sweet kid.

I have been doing lots of gardening...weeding, planting, watering, etc. And Aid has been my little helper. I start a hole and he digs it out for me. I tell him where to water and he goes to town. It's an activity that we really enjoy doing together. Grant goes down for his nap and me and Aid head outside with our shovels. (and dinos who are buried in places around the yard)

The other day I was weeding a flower bed. He found a worm. "Look mom! He gasped as he put the worm on the shovel and held it up for me to see. "Nice Aid!"I responded.
Then he put the worm back into the dirt, while mumbling to himself...."We need to put the worm back into the hole so that it can go home and protect the babies. Be very gentle. Go worm. Go back to your babies.."

I teared up listening to him. I did not teach him this. We have had no conversations about worms or what we should do with them. He is just a sweet natured little thing. Even if he is a 3 year old.

One of the early signs of a troubled kid is how they treat animals....I continued to listen to him and thought, "Nope, definitely not ever going to be a serial killer."

My job here is done.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Reading to Mama

Definitely Related

We went to the Children's Museum a few days ago. We are up to once a week at this point so that we can spend as much time with the dinosaurs as possible. We actually spent some time in different rooms this time which makes me have hope that maybe our lives will not be completely devastated when they move on. We were playing in the water room when I look to see Grant doing this. "Yuck Grant!" I say.

Grant runs off to play with something else and I turn to see Aid.

Yep, they definitely came from the same weird gene pool.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

In an attempt to make up for our lack of financial resources in acquiring a concrete gift and even worse our late cards (which ARE in the mail)...

Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for us, in small and big ways. We have always known that you have loved us. But now....we really get it.

We all love you both.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Well, Sure.

We are currently having some big brother is terribly annoyed with quickly growing baby brother who wants to do everything we do issues. It's horrible, right? Anyone who is an older sibling completely understands what I'm talking about. And yet....we could not and cannot push our younger sibling, though we may feel like it, whenever they are annoying us.

Welcome to my life.

So tonight Aid climbs up the slide and is lingering at the top. Not wanting to go down per say, but most definitely not wanting Grant (who can climb the ladder now) to get up. So he is sitting at the top swinging his foot around at Grant who then takes a step down and cries (er, yells) up at Aid.

So after several interventions (er yelling at Aid to not kick his brother) I bring him down to have a more reasonable talk with him about it. I go into how I know that being a big brother can be hard sometimes, but that he has to always always take care of his baby brother. And if he kicks him a little harder then he means to, and Grant falls he could get hurt. I say, "you don't want to accidentally hurt Grant do you?" "No Mama, I'm sorry." So I try to again connect the dots..."So if you kick him or push him then you might hurt him...."

"Well, then I will eat him."

Ahhh.....glad we had that talk T-Rex.


We watched these two go at it for about 20 minutes last weekend. I am convinced they are brothers. Or married.

Sorry again it's sideways....(sigh).