We are currently having some big brother is terribly annoyed with quickly growing baby brother who wants to do everything we do issues. It's horrible, right? Anyone who is an older sibling completely understands what I'm talking about. And yet....we could not and cannot push our younger sibling, though we may feel like it, whenever they are annoying us.
Welcome to my life.
So tonight Aid climbs up the slide and is lingering at the top. Not wanting to go down per say, but most definitely not wanting Grant (who can climb the ladder now) to get up. So he is sitting at the top swinging his foot around at Grant who then takes a step down and cries (er, yells) up at Aid.
So after several interventions (er yelling at Aid to not kick his brother) I bring him down to have a more reasonable talk with him about it. I go into how I know that being a big brother can be hard sometimes, but that he has to always always take care of his baby brother. And if he kicks him a little harder then he means to, and Grant falls he could get hurt. I say, "you don't want to accidentally hurt Grant do you?" "No Mama, I'm sorry." So I try to again connect the dots..."So if you kick him or push him then you might hurt him...."
"Well, then I will eat him."
Ahhh.....glad we had that talk T-Rex.