Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Cupcake Thief

Started off innocently enough...

Then he hit his second one, which was just stinking adorable...

Then we took a turn...

Into pure cupcake madness!

I think he licked off the frosting of every cupcake left on the platter and any that had been abandoned by it's owner. And boy was he pleased with himself!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Minnesota Boys

Sorry Mom and Dad. Sad, but true....

Bob took the boys on their first (successful at least) beach trip down at Phalen Lake. Needless to say they loved it and swim lessons are in our near future!

Monday, July 19, 2010

New Kitchen

Courtesy of my parents.

I already posted these on Facebook but my parents aren't on there so sorry for the kitchen overkill!

Have I mentioned how much I love and appreciate you?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Where the Hell Am I Again?

So we just spent our first official midwest night in the basement. Hoping that a tornado didn't hit us, and that Grant would stop yelling at everyone. Bob was gone. Fantastic.
I'm pretty good, quite honestly, in crisis mode so all was fine.

But all I really kept thinking is, "I'm gonna be super pissed if my kitchen gets ruined after only having had it for a week!"

Better Late Then Never?

We just got back from a RIDICULOUSLY hot day at the zoo. 93 with yucky humidity. Which I hate more then anything. I literally was dripping, puddles forming under me. But still a great time with the boys.

Both of them fell asleep the moment we started driving. We got home and they were both still asleep. So I left Aid in the car and quickly ran Grant inside and put him in his crib. I came out for Aid and got us all settled. I let Aid have some ice cream. Half way into his treat he looks up at me with a panicked expression. "MOM! YOU FORGOT GRANT!!!!!" He yelled at me.

"I will never forget either one of you. Ever. But thank you for looking out for your brother." I said.

"Thanks Mom," he said looking sincerely relieved.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Missing Mom and Dad

They actually left on Saturday. And we still miss them. Here are some pictures from their trip.

Grandpa Mac in an excellent tackler, chaser, wrestler. Him and Aid got along famously.

Aid's first tv dinner. Our kitchen was not up and running yet. He loved it!

My Dad raised the bar and introduced Aid to the iphone. Sigh.

Grant discovered Sparklers and loved them. Maybe a little too much.

We got new chairs that are very loved!

We went to como town where Aid rode his first roller coaster and Grant could not get enough of the cars! (there are more pictures taken with my Dad's camera I'll post when I get them *ahem*)

Grandma Mac spoiled us at MN zoo with ice cream and animals!

And alligator swimming pools.

Grant "helped" us make jam!

These two are very loved little boys. Thanks Mom and Dad for everything. We absolutely love having you here and hate when you have to go.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Grant and Mommy

Damn, this kid is cute.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Aid's First Roller Coaster!

I think he did better then I did on this thing!