Saturday, February 26, 2011

We So Need One Of These...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Times They Are A Changing....

Tonight Grant moves into his big kid bed. The mattress in on the floor as Aid's is instead of using bed rails. He seems to love it. But once again, I am struck by the bitter sweetness of the occasion. Tonight was the first night since he has been born that I did not hold him and rock him for a little bit. (Ok, longer then I should as I realized my time was coming to an end.) He looked so incredibly little in this bed, and his eyes were wide with nervousness. It's adorably heartbreaking, exciting, and just a little bit sad all at the same time.

The crib coming down...

Looking very happy about it...

The new room!

I can't believe how little he looks in this thing...(sniff sniff)

My baby is growing up. Again.

My Grandma Would Be Proud

So as you know, my grandma on my Dad's side collected owls. Tons and tons of owl paraphernalia. Owl mugs (oh how I wish I had taken a picture of that) owl trinkets, owl jewelry, owl pictures, owl figurines....I can't even begin to tell you how much. You can't think of my grandma without thinking of her owl collection. The day of her funeral, I asked my grandpa if I could take one of her figurines. It was a wood one that me and Bob had given her for Christmas. Our first Christmas where we gave duel gifts. So it holds a lot of sentimental emotions. It made me feel close to her to see it.

Little did I know, I was not just going to inherit that one little owl. I was going to inherit her fondness of all things owl. I have quite the little collection going. Most of it are things that come from her. Some mugs, some figurines, and music box. But my friends have now caught on and so my collection grows....

For Valentines Day, Bob added to the collection. Since we no longer drink wine together, we drink tea, this was incredibly thoughtful and just perfect. On so many levels.

It was blog worthy.
Thanks honey.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Upgrade to First Class Winter Play

We used to get out some of our winter energy with this...

But thanks to Grandma and Grandpa B we have upgraded to this...

(I have an awesome video, but it won't let me upload it. I will try again tomorrow....)

But you get the point.

Worth It's Weight in Gold

My mom sent Grant a little water table for his birthday. We both worried that it was geared toward younger kids and wondered if it was a good idea.

After watching this video you tell me...

Anyone Thirsty?

Came downstairs to this....

Upon further questioning I was informed that they were simply making "grape juice"...

Silly mommy.....