Wednesday, January 23, 2013


My baby is 4 today. 4. How has the time gone by so fast? He's laying here next to me, sick as a dog, and I just am in awe of how beautiful this little thing is. He's been a joy since the moment he was born. Okay, a few minutes after he was born.  His delivery still sends shivers down my spine.   This little one constantly surprises me with his empathy for others, his kind heart, and his stubborn spirit.  He's my little fighter.  I know I've said this before, but it bears repeating.  When we were deciding whether or not to have a second child my biggest fear was not knowing if I could love another child as much as I loved Aid.  I couldn't fathom my heart having room for anyone else.  But Grant showed me you can never have too much love.  There was more then enough room.

Happy Birthday little man. (Sorry that you are so sick on it)

Here are some of my favorite pictures through the years...

I love you to the moon and back Grant.