Monday, January 27, 2014

Grant's 5th birthday this year was at Chuck-E-Cheese. They should really just hand out Xanax to every adult as they enter.  You know that island of little boys in Pinnochio where it seems super awesome and fun until you realize you have a tail and are a donkey?  That's chuck-e-cheese.  The first hour or so you are swept up in your kids excitement and it feels like the most fun place on earth.  And then at some point you have spent all your money and feel like you are at the gates of hell.

Aid wants his birthday party to be at Chuck-E-Cheese. Fantastic.

But Grant had a blast.  He ended up having a duel party with his little buddy from the gym, Alex.  Alex's Dad was in the hospital and there are some family issues and his mom was feeling very guilty for not celebrating his.  So we added him to the cake.  They had a blast.

Grant's best friend. Who is smiling until you say, "Alex say cheese." And then he gives you this look. Every time! lol

Thank you Costco lady for relenting and adding Alex's name to the cake!


See? He's smiling.....

Weird, awkward rock out. They tried to get them to do it again and they both refused.


They were supposed to go in separately but Grant wanted Alex to go in with them. Aid was like, "Are you crazy?! You will get less tickets!"

But it's always more fun with a friend isn't it?

This says it all.

Birthday cake round 2.

And ended with a sleep over and "special ipad night." Which means they get to play with them in bed.

Happy Birthday Grant. I love you so much.  And I can't wait for him to be able to celebrate his birthday with my family too next year!! I can't promise it won't be at Chuck-E- Cheese.....

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Tooth #2.

And he tried to tell me that he get's $3 since it's his third tooth.  He couldn't remember what the second tooth was that he lost, but is convinced that he's on his third.

Tooth fairly left him $1.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Basketball player

Bob's dream has come true.  Aid not only loves snow boarding (Dad ask Laura to see the video on facebook, it won't let me upload on here for some reason) he LOVES basketball.  I love watching him dripping with sweat when he's done playing.  He is getting so much good exercise and he genuinely is having fun! He works really hard, has a positive attitude, and is improving with each practice and game! Right now practices are 2 evenings a week and games on Saturdays.  He had a double this Saturday and so he ran for about an hour and a half up and down that court! He even scored! His first shot!

SO competitive. He must win every lap.

Dribbling is getting better. he practices it a lot!

Go Aid!

I love how they are all watching as their teammate scrambles for the all all by himself! lol

Right before he hit a shot! (Of course I missed the shot. Stupid slow camera.)

And he asked to pass it in this game! confidence is growing!

We're so so so proud of you Aid!