Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Additions

Well you all know by now that little Grant made his appearance in the world. It was a rough entry but we are all ok. Grant came face up instead of face down so I could not push him past my pelvic bone and after 2 1/2 hours of pushing he needed to be vacuumed out. Only that didn't go so well either and little Grant's head was beat up a bit in the process. But we eventually got him outta there and with us...

We are all tired and adjusting, but it honestly feels like he was supposed to be with us. I didn't even know anything was missing but somehow life feels even more complete then it did. It's a good time.

But the blog needed to evolve. It's not just Aidee anymore. I now have 2 Bures boys who are the most darling sweet natured things you have ever met. I considered having two separate blogs but it has become clear how much less time I have to be on the computer!

I was so worried all the way through this wondering how I would split my time, attention, and love. And what I have discovered is that it isn't very hard at all. That is not to say that we will not have kinks. I am anticipating them and have my girlfriends and family to see me through them. But my heart grew about 5 sizes bigger and there is more then enough room for both of them.


  1. Congratulations Karen and family. I think the name is perfect as is your family. I am so excited to be by your side through this journey. Love ya!

  2. Oh you are going to be in trouble - Aiden and Grant have little faces that could just melt your heart. You have a beautiful family. I can't wait to meet Grant and kiss his chubby cheeks!

  3. welcome to the family little guy

  4. Like Kelly said, I'm really excited to be a part of your new adventures. Keep me posted and let me know if you need anything.

  5. I am so, so happy for you guys, and I can't wait to meet Grant - these are the days I wish I had limitless cash and could just get a private jet out to Minnesota right now! :)

    I love the pictures you sent last night - the one of the 2 boys is awesome.

    You and Bob just remind me of parents like mine - the ones that Aiden & Grant's friends will be jealous of years from now. You have so much love and support for your kids that you'll see exactly what I mean. I love you!!

  6. Another gorgeous baby boy you have made!! Congrats:)
