Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Best Gift Ever

My cousin Veronica is one of the most thoughtful people on the planet. It is one of her best characteristics. It is also what makes her one of the best gift givers I have ever known. She seems to have this knack for picking out something just perfect for the person. I am not the only one who feels this way. If Veronica has ever given you a gift you most likely feel the same way. Last year she had me in tears after sending a miniature Christmas hat for my Grandma's Owl that I have. This must run in the family because last year her mother (my Aunt Net) gave me the Oregon Beach in a glass. Again, tears.

This year I found myself in tears yet again. I knew that she had planned on a Christmas present for me. I even knew it was probably going to be good. But I really had no idea just how good it would be.

I opened my door to find a gargantuan box. Aid was screaming up and down in excitement. He yelped when the large amounts of packing popcorn went flying. And I pulled it out.
It was beautiful. Black and white. Meaningful. Fun. And the tears came.

This picture will not do it justice. But it is the only way (unless you come to my house and then I will drag you to it) that I can showcase it. And it is show case worthy.

Some of my favorites in it...

My Aunt Net on the left, and my cousin Veronica on the right. Only she could pull off these shades.

Aid's super cute temper tantrum.

Grant's toes in the Oregon coast for the first time. And he loved it.

I appreciate this gift so much Veronica. You have outdone yourself. And I love you. Both of you.

Merry Christmas.


  1. I am so, so, SO glad you love it. I had so much fun choosing photos and putting it together. I love you, and I am glad you are so appreciative. :)

  2. great gift. Love the black and white.
