Friday, January 29, 2010


When I was a little girl, I saw my baby sister fall into a pool. I immediately ran and told my parents and they got her out. She was fine. I was a hero that day I'm sure. My parents told me this story. It did not ever mean what it does to me now as a parent. The thought of either of my boys falling into a pool and not knowing it sends shivers down my spine. All of the what if's race through my brain. I am the big sister. For as long as I can remember I have believed it my job to look out for my younger siblings. This has not always been accepted, and to this day my baby sister rebels against me attempting to help her. But I will never stop. She's my baby sister.

The other day I was cleaning the kitchen and talking on the phone. Aiden came racing into the kitchen frantically yelling, "Mom! My little brother is stuck! Help him!" I raced back out after him and saw Grant stuck under the tv cabinet. He was not in any dire situation. But the story of my sister in the pool flashed through my head. And I was immediately relieved and heartened that Grant has Aid as a big brother. He has a brother that loves him, that will look out for him, take care of him, and run and get me when he needs my help.

I hope they always are there for one another...


  1. He's such a good big brother!!

  2. Oh, that is so sweet!! Thank goodness for big brothers and sisters!

  3. Aw!!! I can't wait to til Evan has a little brother!
