Friday, March 26, 2010

Blue Ray

We have a new family pet. Blue Ray, the blue Beta fish.

A couple of months ago, I got this hair brained idea that Josie (our cat) needed a sanctuary from the kids. I kept seeing her get dragged along and no amount of time outs, yelling, pleading, etc. seemed to put an end to the harassment she got on a daily basis.

So I went to Petco and got one of those big cat tower things. Complete with a play fur toy thing, which only lasted a couple of hours and then Grant pulled it off. Well, Josie couldn't care less that I had provided her with a safe respite. She only jumped on it to look for the toy. When she realized it was gone, so was she.

I couldn't find the receipt. Cause it's me and I am not as good as my mother about these things. I always assume I don't need it. I don't throw it away, but I don't consciously put it anywhere I will remember. Bob tried to take this thing back after several (and I do mean several) jabs about my random concern for the cat. They gave him store credit. We are now the proud owners of $140 of store credit at Petco. Damn.

So we decided to get a fish. I'm not even sure what prompted the discussion about fish, but the moment it was suggested Aid's eyes lit up. So we hopped in the car to go get a fish. Not a $140 fish. Just one little fish in one little tank. (And lots of pre-paid hair cuts for Chloe).

His name is Blue Ray. And for the first night since Grant has been born, Aid fell asleep in his own bed so that he could make sure Blue Ray was safe.

I love Blue Ray.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Great Exchange

We have an ongoing date night swap with my brother and sister in law. About once a month they bring our two nieces to our house and go on a date. When it's our turn, the boys go there. It is one of the things I look forward to the most. When the two little ones were younger, I admit, I really only looked forward to our date night. It was work when we had all four. Work that you knew was worth it, but still, work. But as the younger ones get older, it's less work and now I almost look forward to their date night as much as ours. No really. It's that fun.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

And We're Outside!!!

And it's a wonder why Grant is always banged up...

First Haircut?

Nope. Not even close. But I finally remembered to bring my camera with me. Scheez...what kind of bad mom am I?

And we're waiting. (We waited awhile. I got a $5 off coupon which everyone else did too apparently!)


This is very serious business.

I ran away to get Grant and found Aid's hair styled very adorably. But wait, are we done? Uh...These are the type of situations I am very uncomfortable in. Because I smiled and gave her a tip all the time disappointed that she didn't cut off more. I wanted to say, "Listen. We don't even usually have the extra $15 for this haircut and my husband has been on me to learn how to do it myself. Could you please cut it WAY more off then that?" But I didn't. It is cute and I do not want to present as the ungrateful or demanding customer.

Then she asked him if he wanted green in his hair for St. Patrick's Day (which is also my mother's birthday!) He surprised me when he said yes. Aid is a particular sort of fellow and I was amazed that he would want his hair (that always has the same disheveled look to it because he won't let me come within 5 inches to brush it) to be green. But it's his hair so I said go for it! I had to bite my lip from laughing. When she asked him he he loved it he looked at her very seriously and said, "I do not like my hair green."

Yep, this look says it all. All day long whenever someone commented pleasantly about his hair he would very politely say, "I do not like my hair green." And as the fantastic mother that I am, I spent all day chuckling to myself thinking (but not saying), "I knew you would hate it!" This was the very first night Aid has EVER asked to have his hair shampooed. He usually dreads that part.

Sort of glad I held out and didn't get the average run of the mill cute first haircut time pictures.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

With Love From Minnesota


Just sending you all my love, which now happens to come in the form of two little boys. Who also love you more then anything.


All of us.

A Little Bit of Home

It snows in Minnesota. It doesn't really rain. Not much anyway. So when it rains, I feel like I get a small piece of home. I used to hate the amount of rain in Portland. Now I love it and get very nostalgic and warm when I see rain clouds. So I was not at all hesitant to let the boys get all wet and cold and go puddle jumping. They loved it and it has been decided that it will be an activity every time it rains!

Following the puddle jumping, the boys took a nice warm bath followed by a picnic (inside) and loooong naps!! It was a really good day.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Urinal Lessons

Oh yes, you read correctly.

Bob took the boys to the library so that I could get some much needed down time. Aid returned triumphantly telling of his first time use of the urinal! YAY! I jumped up and down in excitement with him, not foreseeing the next funny little twist this potty training journey would take.

We had conquered the fear of the big potty and were using it much to my delight. This all changed after Aid found a book he was once given about a little boy learning to use the potty. Since the little boy in the book only uses the "baby" potty that is once again all Aid will use. But a baby potty is better then no potty, so I'll take it. (I have hidden this book.) He still takes the initiative to go on his own when he has to go or can be easily bribed into going if he's waiting too long for my comfort level.

So I thought nothing of it when I saw him jump up and run the potty. He dropped his drawers guessed it....let er go. I immediately began yelling, "Aid!! Sit down!!!" Aid screamed in excitement back at me, "mama! Look! I'm doing it!!!"

He finished before I got there. I told him we don't go potty like that with the baby potty and he needed to sit down. "But mama...I can't sit on the potty when there is pee on it!" Yes, but...

Oh good grief. Fairly sure it is time to bust out the Cheerios and see if we can curb this new talent!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Mystery of Women

I was getting ready this morning before a girlfriend and her little girl came over. Aid sat in the bathroom watching me.

"Mama? What are you doing?"

"Just putting on some lotion so my skin is soft."

"Silly mama."

As I started putting on my mascara Aid jumped in again...

"Mama? What are you doing?"

"I'm putting some mascara on."

"Are you painting your eyes?"

"Well, that's one way to look at it yes."


"So I can look pretty."

He started laughing. And laughing. And laughing. And just when I thought he had finished, he would say, "Mama is painting her eyes!" and start laughing all over again.

So glad I can be such a source of entertainment for you little man!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Give It Your Best Shot