Wednesday, March 17, 2010

First Haircut?

Nope. Not even close. But I finally remembered to bring my camera with me. Scheez...what kind of bad mom am I?

And we're waiting. (We waited awhile. I got a $5 off coupon which everyone else did too apparently!)


This is very serious business.

I ran away to get Grant and found Aid's hair styled very adorably. But wait, are we done? Uh...These are the type of situations I am very uncomfortable in. Because I smiled and gave her a tip all the time disappointed that she didn't cut off more. I wanted to say, "Listen. We don't even usually have the extra $15 for this haircut and my husband has been on me to learn how to do it myself. Could you please cut it WAY more off then that?" But I didn't. It is cute and I do not want to present as the ungrateful or demanding customer.

Then she asked him if he wanted green in his hair for St. Patrick's Day (which is also my mother's birthday!) He surprised me when he said yes. Aid is a particular sort of fellow and I was amazed that he would want his hair (that always has the same disheveled look to it because he won't let me come within 5 inches to brush it) to be green. But it's his hair so I said go for it! I had to bite my lip from laughing. When she asked him he he loved it he looked at her very seriously and said, "I do not like my hair green."

Yep, this look says it all. All day long whenever someone commented pleasantly about his hair he would very politely say, "I do not like my hair green." And as the fantastic mother that I am, I spent all day chuckling to myself thinking (but not saying), "I knew you would hate it!" This was the very first night Aid has EVER asked to have his hair shampooed. He usually dreads that part.

Sort of glad I held out and didn't get the average run of the mill cute first haircut time pictures.

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