Monday, October 4, 2010

Bad News

The blog Gods won't be happy about this one. Our NEW camera has once again been taken down by Grant. Try as I might to keep the thing in it's case at all times, on the few occasions I quickly just set it down...he's on it.

We are on our third camera in a year. This time at the advice of my wise aunt my even wiser husband purchased the "Diamond" insurance plan. Which basically means that we could kick it off the top of a building and they'd fix it for us.

So when it stopped opening properly and then began flashing "Lens error" I didn't worry too much about it. I brought it in the to store. After first finding something "gooey" in the lens (GRANT! GRRRR!) he noticed that we weren't even getting a picture, it was black. So we went through all of the paperwork and off it went to the repair Gods! I asked how long it would take to get it back...

Between 4-10 weeks.

What? I'm sorry sir. You do realize I have two children and a blog to consider, yes?

My father did give me his old camera for back up and I will have to take a look at it and see if I can figure out how to use it, and then how to download pictures. I have not exactly been on top of the blog anyway, but this is really going to put a kink in the cycle. While I find myself throughout the day catching moments where I think, "Hey that would be a funny little blog," by the time I sit down I have forgotten what I thought was so funny and just want to ready my book or watch my soap.




  1. ask them for a loaner camera, they give me one when mine is in for repair

  2. Oh man, that stinks!!!!! Thankfully you are such a good writer, you can get away with no pictures for awhile. I love your stories. So, get your nose out of that book and keep bloggin'. Besides, you can't watch the soap today OR tomorrow, remember? :)

    And I'll say a prayer to the camera gods that it gets fixed in a jiffy!

  3. LOL! I'm the same way. I have to almost have it at my palm so that I can just type as I go.

  4. We are in the new camera market as well. I think we're going to get one from my mom for Christmas. The screen on mine broke and Kalib lost his...ridiculous.
