Friday, December 17, 2010

Making Headway

I have been on a mission to teach my boys how to communicate their feelings. They have a father who shuts down and a mother who yells and then cries. So I know it's important for them (and us) to learn how to talk about feelings instead of acting out in our own ways.

Tonight, we celebrated our Christmas with our two neighbors (blog post to follow tomorrow). Aid got a Tom and Jerry movie, and Grant got Go Diego. Aid asked if he could put his in and watch it. Since all of the other kids are so young, I said that I thought Go Diego was a better option and we would watch his tomorrow. He argued with me for a bit and then went and sat in his chair. We put on Go Diego. The little kids weren't really even watching it, which I did notice but thought that Aid had gotten into the show and it didn't matter anymore. But when I walked by him he said "Mom, I am really frustrated because I wanted to watch my movie and you didn't listen to me. So I am sad." (And no I am not exaggerating or adding my own words)

I changed the movie and we talked about what a good job he did expressing himself and that I was sorry I disregarded his feelings.

I am so unbelievably proud of him.

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