Sunday, March 13, 2011


Grant took a swing and landed himself on time out.

Sticking it to us he ran upstairs and locked himself in the bathroom.

After trying to help him unlock it, trying to take apart the door, getting a ladder that won't reach the window even if it were open (which is wasn't) and trying to talk down an increasingly freaked out 2 year old (and his mother) there was only one thing left to do.

It pains me to relive this...

It's a bad camera angle, but that is a sledge hammer in my darling husband's hand....

And my poor door.

Grant was found hysterical and petrified in the corner of the room.  And now there is no door to the bathroom. Who needs a door right?

We had a loooong talk about just taking the time out next time.  This ones gonna have to learn things the hard way.


  1. You know, I think I'd better swap out the door on our bathroom before it's too late. Yikes!

  2. Oh my goodness! I would have been so freaked out. And yes, it's *just* a door, but that TOTALLY STINKS!!!
    I do give you an A+ for busting out the camera. You are one good mommy blogger:). Glad Grant is okay!

  3. Oh no!!!! You needed a new door anyway, right?? One you can unlock from the outside?? Amazing the things we do to get our kids out of the pickles they get themselves into :)

  4. replace your doorknobs

  5. This made me remember a time when my mom had my sister and I on a Greyhound and my sister locked herself in the bathroom. Long story the busdriver had to pull over and kick the door in. My SIS in hysterics.
