Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Aid's Girlfriend

Aid is in love. And it's serious. He is friends with this adorably shy and equally quirky little girl named Cora. She is very artistic and he is transformed in her presence (minus the booger eating).  Joram is Bob's best friend from college. He came up here (again) to help us finish this beast of a play set. Before their arrival, Aid demanded that we had to make her a necklace. So we used the beads we had gotten for a few other people awaiting necklaces, and made her one. She was so happy when he gave it to her. As she walked by him to check out the play room, he sighed and whispered, "mom, I love Cora."

Oh dear.

He gives her first pick. With everything. Let's her take a turn first. Goes through his toys/books to find some trinket to give to her. And basically follows her around like a little puppy dog. It's beyond adorable and I turn into the mom with her camera trailing along behind them making comments about the wedding slide show I am going to make for them some day embarrassing them to death.

Grant, for the record, is a great little brother tag along. Aid is extra nice to him  in front of Cora and he knows exactly the right time to take a nap and give them some alone time!

Grant's Rough Day

It started this morning when we went to the gym. We were enjoying a picnic watching the bulldozers when I realized I left my water bottle on the bench. Grant was NOT in agreement that we would quickly retrieve it and ran away from me, tripped over the sidewalk crack, and skidded across the pavement. His nose and knee were seriously scraped up.

After dinner we decided to head to the library since it seemed inevitable that it was going to storm. We had a great time until it was time to go. Grant loves to scan the books and gets very excited when it's time to do so. He ran around the corner to the check out station and collided with a nice gentleman holding a stack of movies. SMACK. The corner of the movies hit right under his eye and his nose scratch from his previous incident reopened and began bleeding again. To add insult to injury the lovely librarian kept insisting that he could "hold" her little stuffed dinosaur until he felt better. I kept declining the offer and tried to explain that Grant thought she was giving him some sort of peace offering and that we really were fine.  She insisted. He got to hold the beloved dinosaur for exactly 30 seconds until he had to give it back. Heartbreak....they eye those dinosaurs on that computer every single time we go. So close this time....

We left the library a bit more banged up then when we entered it....and I thought we were pretty banged up this time. 

I don't know if the photo does it justice, and I didn't get one of his skinned knee (in two different spots), but trust me when I say today he got a bloody nose, skinned knees, a black eye, and a whole lot of disappointment.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

This could not make me happier.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Strategic Moves

The Set up:

Aid's not so obvious plan of attack....line them all up perfectly straight. Now THAT will throw off your opponent.

Grant's Inventive Move:

Hate to break it to you honey, but you may want to think outside the box or your younger brother is going to pummel you.


The nail on the Head

We love the Children's Museum. Love it. We go at least once a week in the winter and recently revisited it on a rainy day. They have a Lego exhibit. Now, we could care less about Legos. Neither of my children seem to get into them and our lonely little Lego table sits in the dungeon (er, basement) gathering dust.

But what we DO care about is dragons. And castles. And capes. And swords.

"We" also love the $12 dragons in the gift shop. Sigh.