Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Grant's Rough Day

It started this morning when we went to the gym. We were enjoying a picnic watching the bulldozers when I realized I left my water bottle on the bench. Grant was NOT in agreement that we would quickly retrieve it and ran away from me, tripped over the sidewalk crack, and skidded across the pavement. His nose and knee were seriously scraped up.

After dinner we decided to head to the library since it seemed inevitable that it was going to storm. We had a great time until it was time to go. Grant loves to scan the books and gets very excited when it's time to do so. He ran around the corner to the check out station and collided with a nice gentleman holding a stack of movies. SMACK. The corner of the movies hit right under his eye and his nose scratch from his previous incident reopened and began bleeding again. To add insult to injury the lovely librarian kept insisting that he could "hold" her little stuffed dinosaur until he felt better. I kept declining the offer and tried to explain that Grant thought she was giving him some sort of peace offering and that we really were fine.  She insisted. He got to hold the beloved dinosaur for exactly 30 seconds until he had to give it back. Heartbreak....they eye those dinosaurs on that computer every single time we go. So close this time....

We left the library a bit more banged up then when we entered it....and I thought we were pretty banged up this time. 

I don't know if the photo does it justice, and I didn't get one of his skinned knee (in two different spots), but trust me when I say today he got a bloody nose, skinned knees, a black eye, and a whole lot of disappointment.

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