Saturday, July 16, 2011

Fifth Birthday party!

Insanely large dragon jumpy castle
Blue bakugan birthday cake
Dinosaur balloons
Best friend Sam
Best School Friend (with same birthday) Bradley

Burned cheek from trying to blow out candles prior to party
Flooded basement
Thunderstorms followed by crazy humidity
Sweating guests since AC wasn't working
Dear friends who help set up and then run home to get their cameras since ours is once again broken

It had a little bit of everything today. And he loved all of it.


  1. I love that with all that you had going on, it was still great! I would have been a wreck. You are awesome! Sorry to have missed it!!

  2. I'm sure you pulled it off with a smile too! I bet Aiden is only going to remember the first list and that's really what counts.
