Friday, February 1, 2013

Tae Kwon Do Anyone?

Aid has been watching the Tae Kwon Do class every time we go to the gym.  He's been fascinated.  I have been hesitant to ask him if he wanted to try it out because historically, Aid starts something and after a couple of weeks is begging to quit because it doesn't come naturally.  So I decided that he needed to be the one to want it badly enough to ask me about it.  Repeatedly. But I have noticed him noticing.

Well, the instructor noticed him noticing too.  And invited him to try it out.

Tonight was his first shot.  He told me how nervous he was and I tried to give him a pep talk about how everyone has to start somewhere and no one knew how to do it when they first started.  The instructor came over and introduced himself and bowed to Aid....who bowed back.  Then he gave him almost the exact same pep talk (ha! Patting myself on the mom back over here).  Aid jumped in.  I kept expecting him to walk off because.....well, he clearly did not know what he was doing.  And everyone else did.  And this is a major sticking point for Aid.  He does not like to feel vulnerable like that.  Well, who does really?  But as a response he usually chooses flight not fight.  So to see him stand there and continue to get it wrong, but continue to try made me so incredibly proud of him.

And he loved it.  LOVED it.  And when the instructor came to talk to us at the end I asked if there was a more beginner class he could take.  He said that there was a younger class for 4-5 year olds that he could take in addition if he felt like he wanted to,get some extra practice for the basics,  but made it a point to say that he was focused and determined and those are the two most important aspects.  He said for his very first class he was picking up the moves very well!!!

And what a lesson in being a parent and holding back every word of encouragement you want to shout out.  I literally had to keep telling myself that he has an instructor, I just need to let him work this out.
It's dark but this move was one I wasn't sure he was going to get. Took some coordination (which this mama lacks). But he did it after some help!

The instructor said they get uniforms after they come for a bit to make sure they're dedicated. This may just be the perfect motivation for Aid to stick with it. He wants one so badly.

So we're a go! We are signed up and ready to fight for this one!!!!

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