Monday, September 2, 2013

Geckio "Fire" Bures

The boys have been asking for about 2 years for a lizard. 

NO. No lizards. Or snakes. Or anything else....reptilley.

But they broke me down. So I promised after we returned from Oregon that we could get a lizard.  Bob threw up a minor fuss and stated that he was absolutely NOT going to be taking care of this lizard.  Fair enough.  In his defense all the animal duties are relegated to him and well, I was not consulting him. So fine. How hard can a lizard be to take care of?

Turns out they are less high maintenance then a fish, but more then I was bargaining for.  I will have to get him a heat lamp here pretty soon because he needs it to be 75ish degrees at all times, (I can relate) and only eats live crickets, and needs fresh water daily because apparently that is also where he poops.  Oh dear.

But I am an emotionally reactive person, which as a mother, can be a strength but also a weakness.  They were SO excited and promised to help me take care of it and the little guy was cute....

So here he is.  And they love him.  And I actually really really love him.

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