Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pictures Don't Lie

Bob has a theory that pictures are lies. He says this when he is being dramatic and pessimistic. But after I took the boys raspberry picking with my mommy group I realized that he could be a little right. Although whether the pictures capture the actual moment in all it's glory or slightly misrepresent....they are memories I want to hold onto.

But look:

Looks like Aid is picking raspberries! In truth, he would not come over to the raspberry picking and was yelling at me. And these are the only 5 raspberries he picked.

And here is is feeding his beloved animals.

When in truth, the stupid goat would not come down from the perch despite repeated urges with food. Aid started to get upset because really this is all he wanted to do. Only when we threatened to leave did the diva goat come down.

Seemingly adorable little baby cow. But I actually felt sorry for the little thing. She would not eat any of the offered corn and seemed scared and was huddled in the corner of her pen.

And little Grant looks adorable and all ready to join the fun. But I had to leave him sitting by himself while I hurriedly tried to pick my raspberries.

He did like the raspberries though. I think it may have been too early for them and he got a rash all raspberries for Grant for a little while longer...

And right before we were gonna leave I spotted the haystacks and thought it would make an adorable picture. Which it did. But Grant was screaming moments before this picture was taken and neither would look at me until my friend Sara threw hay in the air behind me.

And then when it came time to go I realized that someone had stolen a pint of my picked raspberries and skimmed off the top of the other two. I don't know who steals some one's picked raspberries and can feel good but so be it.

So true....these pictures don't necessarily represent exactly what happened. But they are good enough.


  1. So true, so true! Half of our pictures are in between tantrums and pure craziness!

    Boo to diva goats and raspberry stealers--the nerve!

  2. Grant's raspberry face is priceless....even if it was a lucky shot & pre-rash!

    That's the joy of pictures....when you look back you can say wasn't that a great day & forget about the tough parts.
