Monday, September 14, 2009

A Taste of What's To Come

We started our "school" today. ECFE. It's kind of similar to Head Start for you Portlanders but set up for any and all. I decided that it was time for Aid to start to get used to separating from me more regularly and get used to a classroom setting so that he is ready for preschool next year.

We signed him up last week and met his teacher. And honestly, we (and I emphasize we to clarify that i was not being overprotective crazy mom) didn't get the best first impression. She seemed annoyed by my kid and that's not a good way to start. But I went and decided I would see how it all played out.

Today was our first day. I got everything ready the night before so we wouldn't be late. We were still late. Only by 2 minutes. Others were still shuffling in too so i was pretty pleased with myself.

To say Aid was over the moon is putting it mildly. He introduced himself to the teacher. He sang the songs. He sat quietly in the circle the entire time. (And they made them sit for far longer then I would have for a bunch of toddlers.) Quite a few of them were running around and I am proud to say mine was not one of them. Sure he snuck out of the class (twice) without the teacher noticing right away. But overall he did fantastic. He was nervous, but excited. And it was so much fun to watch. I consistently underestimate Aid. I was a bursting with pride mama today.

Now Grant?? Grant was not down with it and will have hard Mondays for quite some time...poor little dude. And I can't say I loved it myself. But right now this is good for Aid so me and Grant will just have to roll.


  1. Yay! I'm glad it went well (for Aiden). I'm sure Grant will get used to it.

  2. Good job, Mom! And Grand and you will learn to LOVE Mondays.

  3. We survived our first day, too! I'm glad Aiden liked it:)
