Monday, October 5, 2009

"It's Just Me."

Aid has a new trick.

When he gets into trouble, he goes on a time out. Or if that doesn't work he gets a time out in his room. If that doesn't work, his beloved animals (or specific toy that's related the the crime) goes on a time out.

After said time outs we then talk about why he was put on a time out. He is usually spot on with why he has gotten into trouble. If it involves our brother or anyone else it's my expectation that he go and personally apologize to that person.

He has added his own twist to this routine. We go through the ritual, but now he adds, "It's ok mama, it's just Aiden."

"Sorry, the Aidee took toy away from Grant. I love you. It's ok, it's just Aiden."

"Sorry for not listening to you mama. It's ok. It's just Aiden."

I can't figure out where this came from, and though I am trying hard not to let him see this, it's very effective. And funny.

"It's just Aiden."


  1. I mean c'mon, he can't help misbehaving. It's just Aiden!! LOL

  2. "its just Aiden" may need an ass kicking

    .....jeez, just kidding!

    I wonder what the reasoning is behind his defense. "I'm just so bad, I can't help it" or "its not ME, its that Aiden brat"
