Monday, January 10, 2011

His Own Little World

I was such a reader when I was younger. I still am, but not at the same intensity I was. I would always stay up too late reading. I very vividly remember getting busted by my parents...

"Karen, it is too late, please put the book away and go to bed."

(Yes, Dad....)

"Karen, give me the is time for bed."

At this point, I would get up and find my back up book, hidden in a different location. I read by flashlight so they wouldn't see my light. But when my light got taken, I would use my second back up one. I loved nothing more then snuggling down into my little space, book in hand, and reading until I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Today we got Aid his own reading lamp. He kept looking up at it and smiling....about 20 minutes later I found him like this.

A whole new little world has been opened up to him. And if he is anything like me, he's in heaven.


  1. This picture is adorable! He sure is growing up, Karen!!
    I was the same way when I was little. I hope my kids are, too. Books are magic!
