Saturday, June 4, 2011

Last Days

I can't believe Friday was Aid's last day of preschool for this year. It's already been a year. He has grown so much in a year.

At the start of the year he was in size 4 Toddler jeans. He was excited, but nervous. He hated to spell. He hated writing. He wanted nothing to do with any of it. He still ran up to kids on the playground and roared at them to indicate he wanted to play chase. He had one best friend (who isn't a relative and who moved away) and was nervous about who would play with him. He was obsessed with dinosaurs and one of the first questions he asked his teacher was whether or not they had any. They had a small collection, so we donated some....

This was him Friday.

He is now is size 5/6 (not Toddler!) wears "big kid" shoes, LOVES all things learning, still loves his dinosaurs, only starts growling once the game of chase has begun, has 2 best friends (Sam and Bradley) and is confident and happy.

We have decided to send Aiden to one more year of preschool. I won't go into all of the reasons now. If you know, then we wanted you to know. But it's the right decision. Not necessarily the easiest. He and his best friend Bradley have the exact same birthday so Aid continues to question if he is also turning 5 why he isn't going to Kindergarten. I have resorted to saying "you have to trust that I am making the best decisions I can make for you." No other answer is adequate. He will go to the same school. They granted us an insanely generous scholarship and he loves it there.  I have seen so much growth. And they very obviously care for him and he feels safe and cared for and that's really all I can ask for.

I love you Aid. And I am so unbelievably proud of you. You are a sweet, funny, kind hearted, stubborn, quirky little kid. And I love every last inch of you. I will always do what I think is best for you. Always.


  1. You kick ass at this mommy thing, you know that? Aid is as lucky to have you as you are to have him!
    He is getting so big and HANDSOME!

  2. This brought tears! Karen, you are such a great mom and are making the right decision!!

    It is amazing how much Aiden has grown! It happens so fast!

  3. Brought tears to my eyes, keep on keeping on you are doing a fantastic job!
