Aid loves dinosaurs. This is nothing new. Of coarse when it started we all thought it was a phase. Three years later it is clear it is not a phase. He is fascinated by them and is never uninterested. He continues to learn more about them including venturing into their organ make up and how they are related to animals now.
Aid is learning about reptiles and amphibians at school right now. His teacher was very impressed when he spouted off to the class that "dinosaurs were the oldest reptiles!" He brought in some books to share and was very pleased with himself for making the connection.
As we were reading this dinosaur encyclopedia (one of many) he was pointing out which ones were reptiles and which ones were amphibians. "Aid," I asked, "how do you know that a Ichthyostega is an amphibian and not a reptile?"
He sighed. "I told you before mom....because my brain tells me that I am a paleontologist. I just know these things."
It will not surprise me for one second if he actually becomes one some day. Not one bit.
Ha! A Ross! It took me a minute!