Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dinosaurs, Dinosuars, and MORE Dinosaurs

We road tripped it to and from Oregon this year.  In some ways it was much more fun then flying (I never once thought I was going to die), in some ways it was harder (hearing,  "I need to pee" after 15 minutes after the last pee on hour 25 was brutal) and not really all that much difference price wise.  But we did it and we made some great memories.  Our favorites were the dinosaur museums! Who knew there were such a plethora of them!

This was our first leg out! The novelty had not worn off just yet!!!

He sat and talkec with these two for close to 45 minutes. Mutual dinosaur lovers. It was adorable.

On the way back we hit up Vernal, UT.  Which was gorgeous.  I tried to convince Bob to move there. Smack dab in the middle. A road trip both ways, GORGEOUS geography, camping (with NO mosquitos!) and dinosaur museums! He didn't technically tell me no....;)

Our dino pose. Aid is a raptor of some sort. You can tell by his three claws!
I love these two. Especially when they are in "I love my brother" mode.

Holding  a fossil is serious business.

Wall of fossils

Grant was a little nervous with this one!

Happy happy boy

Then we saw the Dinosaur National Monument.  It's breathtaking. It's an entire rock wall of real fossils.  Like they found so many they just didn't even both to dig them out, they just built a building around it. It's amazing.  And you could touch them.  Epic.

DUDE. Told you. Awesome.

It was a great trip. Great. Aid was super excited and I believe thought the entire trip was geared toward him.  Ok, it was.  Grant loves dinos too; but it remains to be seen if it's going to be his thing.  Right now his things are whatever his brother is doing.  So when he has a thing we will gear an entire trip around it!!

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