My sister's friend from high school posted a blog on her facebook page this morning. This family has lost not just one, but two children within a year and a half. One from a strep infection that turned sepsis and one from SIDS. I cannot imagine. I am not sure that I would be able to get back up from that. They have two surviving boys and a deep faith in God that seem to be pulling them through. But I am amazed.
And humbled.
So often we grumble our way through life. The boys won't give me space. They are fighting with one another to the point I want to scream. They are arguing with me at every turn. And as I read their blog perspective kicks in and I am once again reminded how very blessed I am to have these two little people and all the frustrating moments I have with them. Once again I am reminded how short and brutal life can be and I need to hold on to what I have while I have it.
Grant came upstairs while I was reading the blog. "What's wrong mama?"
"Nothing baby, just reading something very sad that makes mommy want to hug you. Do you know how much I love you?"
" mama."
"I love you to the moon and back my baby."
"You want me to go to the moon mama? I don't want to go to the moon in a rocket ship!!"
"No, no moon for you."
"Ok mama. I love you too."
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