Thursday, December 31, 2009

Fiery Spirit

We named Aiden after Bob's grandfather. His name was Adolph, but for obvious reasons we just couldn't. They used to call him Grandpa Aid. So we played off that nickname. When I looked up the meaning, it stated Aiden means Fiery Spirit. "Oh, boy," I thought. "Am I jinxing myself?"

And he really has lived up to his name. He is a fiery spirit. He is usually a quiet spirit, although he tends to be horribly loud in his defiance at the most inopportune times. He is stubborn, headstrong, and particular. But he is also sweet, and caring, and funny. He has empathy for others and is a fantastic big brother.

He is absolutely beautiful. He is my little Aidee.

I never want you to forget, not even for a moment, how very proud I am of you.

I love you my baby boy.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

More Florida Pictures!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas To Us!

So it started a bit weird not celebrating Christmas in the traditional way. I spent all day yesterday out of sorts and missing my family. Then we got on a plane. And landed in Florida. And I completely forgot it was Christmas until I saw a family opening up presents on the beach. I would not want to miss Christmas every year. But this year, it's just what the doctor ordered.

Aid stepped onto the beach and whispered, "Wow" in complete awe.

And then decided he must go "fishing for birds."

Grant looks good in this light don't you think?

And....this is what we ended the day on.

We may have not had a traditional Christmas this year. But the happiness on Aid's face today will last me a lifetime.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Some Day They Will Hate Me For This

But they looked so damn cute in the matching pajamas! I will be sure to pull these out at a later completely inappropriate time!

Grant actually looks a little concerned in this one....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Best Gift Ever

My cousin Veronica is one of the most thoughtful people on the planet. It is one of her best characteristics. It is also what makes her one of the best gift givers I have ever known. She seems to have this knack for picking out something just perfect for the person. I am not the only one who feels this way. If Veronica has ever given you a gift you most likely feel the same way. Last year she had me in tears after sending a miniature Christmas hat for my Grandma's Owl that I have. This must run in the family because last year her mother (my Aunt Net) gave me the Oregon Beach in a glass. Again, tears.

This year I found myself in tears yet again. I knew that she had planned on a Christmas present for me. I even knew it was probably going to be good. But I really had no idea just how good it would be.

I opened my door to find a gargantuan box. Aid was screaming up and down in excitement. He yelped when the large amounts of packing popcorn went flying. And I pulled it out.
It was beautiful. Black and white. Meaningful. Fun. And the tears came.

This picture will not do it justice. But it is the only way (unless you come to my house and then I will drag you to it) that I can showcase it. And it is show case worthy.

Some of my favorites in it...

My Aunt Net on the left, and my cousin Veronica on the right. Only she could pull off these shades.

Aid's super cute temper tantrum.

Grant's toes in the Oregon coast for the first time. And he loved it.

I appreciate this gift so much Veronica. You have outdone yourself. And I love you. Both of you.

Merry Christmas.

Christmas Highlights

This past weekend we celebrated Christmas with Bob's side of the family. We head to Florida on Christmas Day so there will be no Portland Christmas this year. (I'll miss you.) The celebration was no where near as crazy as it can get on my side's Christmas but with an 11 month old and a 3 1/2 year old it was as crazy as you could expect.

I sadly did not get too many pictures in all of the hoopla. We were too busy tearing open presents eating sweets!

Grandpa B. stalled for time by taking them on a little adventure!

"Look at all my presents." They were not all for him. This was a tricky concept!

This year if you got him a dinosaur you are in.

Grant finally got his own computer so he will leave mine alone. If only for a few minutes.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Great Present Caper

My mother has been sending boxes of Christmas gifts! Which has been like water torture for 3 year olds. He cannot handle it. It is so very exciting and then completely anti-climatic when I tell him it's not Christmas...yet! It destroys him.

My mother had mentioned that there were a few things that were unwrapped for him in the box (she must have raised a few 3 year olds before). But there were none. (Come to find out there are other boxes and we just didn't get the one with anything opened.) So I made an executive decision to let him open one present early. Just one. I thought that this would alleviate the building anxiety I was witnessing. I was wrong.

I eventually asked Bob to move the present upstairs so that they were not staring at him day in and day out. Again..wrong. He went ballistic. I have not seen a melt down that large in a very long time. We negotiated. He could go "look" at the presents upstairs but was under strict instructions to not touch a single present. This seemed to work. There was no meltdowns and I got quite a lot done with Grant napping and Aid staring longingly at presents. He continuously came downstairs and checked in and I went upstairs to make sure he was adhering to the rules. He was.

I went back down patting myself on the back. What a problem solving genius I was!

I was mopping the kitchen and talking on the phone with a girlfriend when I realized Aid hadn't come to check in around the time he had been. I mentioned it. "You don't think he is opening any do you? I did strike the fear of God into him." I even added my scary mom look for good measure. Apparently I am not very scary.

He walked down holding a Triceratops dinosaur, lovingly cradling it saying, "My dinosaur came back to me...." I was livid. After the time out and the following melt down Aid walked over to me and quietly said, "I'm sorry mama for opening the presents."
"I appreciate that," I began. "Wait. Did you open more then one present Aidee?" "Come see mama."

Dread filled my stomach. "Oh Lord, here we go," I thought. Yup. Every single present had been opened. I gasped. "Get downstairs right now Aid." He put his tail between his legs and went downstairs. I sat taking in the scene of the crime. And I noticed something. He had not just opened presents. He had opened them and then discarded them to the side. He was searching. I am still not entirely sure how he knew there was a dinosaur in that mix. But it was a very intentional hunt.

I was simultaneously mortified and impressed all at the same time. And he got some points for admitting to his crimes instead of just letting me find them.

And to think, we still have a week until Christmas and more boxes to come.

The anticipation will kill him I am sure of it!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Brotherly Love

These pictures make my heart swell. Because all I want is for Aid and Grant to love each other and take care of one another. I have had my own difficulties with my sisters through the years and want Aid and Grant to realize that they will always have one another. No matter what.

Aid, you have been a fantastic older brother to Grant. It took some time to negotiate the sharing of toys that before now were solely yours. But you did it. Because you have a big heart and are a great kid. I am so very proud of you and the person you are becoming.

Grant, you are a force my love. It is not possible for a single member of this family to not engage with you. You just won't stand for it. You were persistent in your admiration of your big brother and it has paid off. He loves you as we do.

I love you both more then you will ever know.


Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

It's here! Winter in Minnesota! We got our first big snow fall and there is only more to come. Last year, I could not pay Aid to get out into it. He hated it. He was cold (uh, apparently you need these things called snow pants and coats and snow boots out here) he was not as adventurous, and he has absolutely no interest what so ever.

Times have changed. He loves it.

Mom, I suppose this is where I say, "Nanny nanny we have snow!!!!" (real snow)

Monday, December 7, 2009

A Belated Happy Birthday to Grandpa B!

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

I think it's necessary (and blog worthy) to tell you how much we all love you! You are Aid's hero. To see how much this little boy loves you sums it all up for me. Because he knows that you are a fantastic father to his father and to this day are still here for everyone in this family. In big and small ways. I often tease that Aid is a Bures through and through. He wakes early. Loves sausage. A bit ADD. But what it also means is that he is a nice kid. He has a good heart and he cares about other people.

And that is largely because of you.

We hope you had a wonderful day.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

And....we're on the move.

Kind of. We still need this for assistance. Unless it gets going too fast and then our little feet cannot keep up. But we are all much much happier now that Grant can move. Much.


Do you think this is how it started?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Why Every Son Needs a Mother

I have received this funny e-mail from a few different people now. Damned if I didn't delete them or I would add the link. But it was a funny forward of situations little boys may find themselves in where it is a good thing he has a mother watching out for him.

I had my own moment today. Bob got home and I was running around trying to get dinner in the oven so he took kid duty. Aid wanted to go outside in the front yard and Grant started demanding (by this I mean looking at the door and then to you while continuously yelling) to go as well. Bob but both of their warm boots on. Then he opened the door.

Me: "Don't you want to put coats on them, it's kind of cold."
Bob: "No, it's not that bad."
Me: "What about their hats?"
Bob: "Yeah, ok. I got their hats on. They're fine. Kids are resilient like that."

I left it at this. (I am working on not nagging Bob about the kids. He is a perfectly capable loving, attentive, and wonderful parent. But still I fuss. It's hard to turn off mom duty.) But I did go grab both of their coats and started to put them both on. It really was cold. I had gotten Grant's on, but not yet Aid's.

Bob went outside with the kids. Then he asked me to grab his coat. Then asked if I knew where his hat was. I snickered to myself. Then Aid came running in, before I made it out to him with his.

"Mom," he gasped breathlessly. "Can Aidee have his coat?"
"Yep," I said, "Got it right here."
"Thanks Mom. It's really cold out there."

As I watched all 3 of them outside all with their hats and coats on I felt like...well, like a mom. It is a good thing sons have their mothers. They'd all be frozen to death.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Operation Lose the Boob

Yep. It's official. We are weaning Grant. He is having a pretty big week. Not only is he teething (and now has 5 full teeth with 2 on the way), today he took his first unassisted step and is learning how to fall asleep by himself. For real this time.

We had Grant's 10 month appointment. He is 24 pounds and has only grown an inch in height. No surprise the doctor was over the moon with how healthy and good he is doing. He is just growing up. But she did say that now that we were ready to wean it may help with the sleeping (or lack there of) during the night. She again reiterated that he still associated being nursed AND falling asleep. So I have to break the connection.

So today he got no nursing for either nap and now I just nursed him, but put him to bed wide awake and mad as hell. She then told me to let him go for 15 minutes. Then go in and give him a snuggle and leave again. Then again in 10,etc. So when I was sure that he was done nursing and was on his way I put him down. He screamed like crazy for the entire 15 minutes (ok, I only made him wait 10. Progress comes in steps....) I rocked him for exactly 2 minutes (enough time to be sure I had gotten all the burps, damn acid reflux) then kissed him and put him back down. He screamed again for 3 minutes and is now sleeping. I am afraid to put Aid in there for fear he will wake up. But he did it. At least as I write this.

I am so proud of him. But it's so bitter sweet. I am so unbelievably done with the physical part of mothering a baby. I am lucky that it all went so relatively well and uncomplicated (aside from the bad back issues), but I am ready to be done and know this will help the back out as well. But on the other hand....Grant may very well be my last baby and that makes me sad. Sadder then I may want to admit.

I know I went through this all with Aid. And what I learned then is that Grant will need me in other ways. But letting go of these ways...well it tugs at the heart.

My baby is growing up. And I must not only let him, but I must help him.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksigivng After All

I have gone back and forth on whether or not to post any Happy Thanksgiving sentiment. I can't seem to write or say anything that doesn't sound cliche. Or like what I said last year.

My girlfriend Kelly wrote something in her blog that stopped me. She said that Thanksgiving is one day that is more about being thankful for what you have instead of focusing on what you don't. And she is right. And it's something I easily forget.

If I am being brutally honest with myself, I am always wanting....I don't know... I want new cupboards that will actually look clean. I want a new kitchen floor that I don't have to mop two times a day. I want new carpet that is not so covered with stains it no longer looks clean even when cleaned. I want a finished basement. I want to lose more weight faster then I am. I want my parents to come visit more then they can. I want one more day with my Grandma. I want Bob to be more romantic. I want Aid to be potty trained. I want Grant to sleep through the night.

I could go on and on and on.

So when Kelly wrote this it really hit me. Because I do have so much to be grateful for. We went to Bob's cousins' for Thanksgiving. When we got home we all snuggled into bed and Aid sighed,"I am so glad to be home." It doesn't matter that there are things I wish I could afford to fix in this house. Because we have more then a house. We have a home. A safe spot for all of us. Filled with everything a family is filled with. Arguing, compromising, working, growing, laughing, playing, and loving. Are we perfect? Nope. Not even close. But at the end of the day, this home is filled with love.

That's what I am most thankful for.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Father's Hands

My father has strong hands. They are big and firm and have always worked hard. I have always felt like my father could do anything with those hands. He could fix anything, protect me from anything, take care of anything. (And trust me I have asked.)

My grandfather has the same hands. You can see how they have served him well. And if you listen to him tell his stories, you understand that he is incredibly proud of things he has built with those hands. He tells you about the buildings he has helped put together in some way all around town (Portland) in just about every conversation you have with him. I'm kind of impressed how often he is able to fit it in.

Grant has inherited these hands. I noticed the moment he was born. They are strong. And he uses them well. My girlfriend commented the other day that he had strong little paws. And while I laughed because we call Grant, "The Beast", I also felt my heart warm.

Because he has my grandfather and father's hands. He has no idea how lucky he is.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Well Wonders Never Cease

It has happened! I don't know if it will happen again. So I am taking the opportunity to document the momentous occasion!

We have officially used our Elmo potty (in the way it was supposed to be used) for the first time! And oddly enough we had fantastic aim. Granted there was a stream that hit me before we stopped it (!!) ran to the potty, sat down and finished!

That was a pretty stellar performance considering we have never practiced. No accident on the way there? Stopped and held it before sitting back down? Asking for a book? Asking for a treat?

I suspect that Aid has been paying very close attention to all of our conversations and lessons in this area. He just didn't want to. Where does he get this stubborn streak?? (insert appropriate joke here)

Way to go little man! I am so proud of you. You have always been like this. From the day you were born you took the world in (from my lap) deciding whether or not something was worth doing. It has always had to be on your terms. I kind of knew (despite my grumblings and pleas for advice) that you would do it when you were good and ready.

Now, please keep doing it....

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Grant's first official word is....daddy! There is no mistaking. It is not a coincidental dadada in Bob's direction. It is D-A-D-D-Y!

Really?? Ok, fine. I'm proud of you.

I'll be even prouder when you say mommy.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


I have worked very hard to curb Aid's tackling/wrestling of other children. While it is fun to watch him and Bob (and now Grant) go at it, it does not transfer well to unsuspecting children on the playground. We have lots of conversations before we go anywhere about tackling and how even if someone wants to play doesn't need to end in a tackle.

This poor little boy is 5 years old. In all fairness he started the tackling game first and did seem to be truly enjoying it. He just had no idea who he was dealing with and the monster he unleashed.

But what a take down right? I was impressed and mortified all at the same time.

Date Swap

Me and Bob have been alternating Sundays with Frank and Bridgit (my brother and sister in law) for dates! If it's our turn for a date, they come over here and watch the boys for 3 hours, and vice versa. And I cannot tell you how much I have come to look forward to these Sundays. When you are in baby mode it is so easy to lose sight of the importance of couple time. It's also been a good form of birth control. While we love our nieces and would always always be there for them if they ever needed us to be...4 children is A LOT of work and we are dead by the end of those 3 hours. But it's worth every last second.

Kind of Impressed

As I was cleaning I noticed this.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Close Calls

I did not have to really baby proof things with Aid. He was completely uninterested in anything beyond being held for long periods of time. He was quite content with taking the world in sitting on your lap. He still is.

Grant, however... Grant is already on the move and is not at all content with a slow lifestyle. He is on the go. He crawls, walks (with the walker and scaling furniture) and pulls himself up and down on everything. And he is very interested in stairs. Everything.

So out came the baby gates. They are truly all I ever needed with Aid. With Grant every time I turn around he has pointed out some other baby proofing improvement that needs to be made. So out have come the chord protectors, I have moved furniture to hide the chords (which kills me because they are now blocking the vents but I have decided that energy efficiency will have to take a back seat to safety at the moment) I had to order an expensive furnace gate, I have to go buy more outlet covers, I have added the cupboard locks. I think I have done it all.

Yesterday I thought that I locked the baby gate. It is pressure mounted so if it is not balanced and locked just so it is not secure. I hate this gate. Grant was standing at the top of the stairs yelling at Leo, which is now his favorite pass time. Then Aid came upstairs. He pulled open the gate and I heard it slide from the wall. I whipped around the corner (I was in the bathroom) and grabbed Grant's ankle as he was headed down. Now, we have carpeted split stairs. So I tried to tell myself that if I hadn't caught him he probably would have stopped at the first level and been terribly upset but probably not permanently hurt.

But my heart stopped. This little boy keeps me on my toes. I cannot for a moment let my guard down because that is the very moment he will just go for it. I am fairly sure it will forever be my job to make sure that with all of the jumps he will take, I will have to give him the space to make them...but stay close enough to grab him before he hurts himself.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Just Like Daddy

We went to visit Bob at his school (kids not there). He immediately had a blast with Bob's teaching assistant and was soon sprinting around the building happily screaming. Grant was flirting with all the girls.

We went into Bob's classroom. Aid ran up and sat at Bob's desk. "Look! I teaching!" He said as he pounded away at the keyboard.

He saw Bob's coffee cup.

"I need coffee to teach."

What do they say? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


This looks adorable. And frightening. I walked in one time to find Aid putting Grant in a headlock and dragging him through the room. I freaked. Grant was giggling.

Good grief.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Grant Grows Up

I just cannot believe how fast this is all going. Grant just keeps growing up on me. He wants to be like his big brother and nothing is going to stop him.

We stand now. For long periods of time.

We crawl. Bob calls him Slappy McSlappy.

We get out of the stroller at the zoo....and are pissed when we have to get back in cause we can't actually walk...yet.

Don't let the monster out!

Oh Grant. You are still my baby. Aid made us a family. You have completed that family. I love you so very much.

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Some may say I am crazy to put a water table in my kitchen. But it was a genius move. I'm telling you.

Thanks Mom.