Saturday, May 2, 2009


Grant is just growing up before my eyes. And too quickly. I had a much harder time with Aiden when he was this age and was often overwhelmed and scared. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know what he was doing. With Grant, I have just sat back and taken it all in and it's going by much too fast.

Our new trick is that we blow rasberries to one another. He loves it. He will start to do it and wait for me to join in . If I am not giving him my undivided attention he will make this loud, beckoning coo and then do it again. I just can't believe how communicative he already is. Me and Grant have definitely found our groove.

Here he is blowing raspberries, I'm not sure if you can really see it clearly....
And no, there is nothing little about this little brother!