Thursday, June 11, 2009

And So It Begins....

We are potty training!!! I have no idea how it will go. At the moment he seems pretty excited about it and enjoying getting his treat when he "tries." I am sort of thinking I need to be a little more hard core. I went into it thinking I would have to bribe him to even try it (which turned out I was right.) And he LOVED that he got a sucker for it. But, and I realize it's only been 2 days, after roughly 10 seconds he says "Aidee all done!" Uh...I don't know if I'm not explaining well enough what I exactly want him to do or if Aid has once again outsmarted me...

I walked it to the room and caught him like this after an "attempt". I'm starting to think it's more that Aid's beat me again. We are now at Aid:5 Mama: 0. My stats aren't looking very good.


  1. Keep us posted, I'm taking notes!!

  2. Oh, you'd be taking them from the wrong person....I am so intimidated by this transition I'm sure I am doing it all wrong....we're at an impasses.
