Thursday, June 4, 2009

Blame it on the Camera

Ok, Dad....I love you so very much! I love that if I am in need of an electronic devise within hours you have found one for me and I completely trust your opinion in this area.

Except you bombed with the camera you got for us about 6 months ago.

It sucks.

Worse then any other camera I have ever owned. It's broken down and looks like we have had it for 10 years. (It's literally falling apart.) It also does this weird thing where you take pictures and then suddenly they are gone....where do they go? I haven't deleted them....and sometimes what's even weirder is that they reappear! I can't figure out how to work anything and I am not that electronically inept. And it doesn't appear to explain the phenomenon in the handbook. And it can't take a clear picture if there is even the slightest movement.

I had a ton of pictures I had fully intended to make into blogs. Aid stealing all of the chocolate chips and putting them in a cup to eat....weekend with Grandma and Grandpa B, Grant smiling and almost rolling over, and play dates galore....all gone....or missing.

True, beggers can't be choosers. But I know I have not been very on top of the blogging and you can blame it on my ghetto camera that you so lovingly gave to us!


  1. with digital you simply MUST have Image Stabilizing. Sorry your camera isn't working out.

  2. Oh, please, if you guys get another (better) one, let me know what type you get. Ours is dying and the pictures are only good about 10 % of the time.

  3. I'd try to fix it for you but I don't think even my Amazing Blue Painters Tape would help you this time!
