Tuesday, June 16, 2009



Aid has had a raspy voice and a fever that comes and goes for about 3 days. But when he walked in this morning something felt different. We had a play date scheduled at our house that had to be canceled....and off we went to the doctor's. I did not think they would say Pneumonia. I don't know what I thought they would say, but I didn't anticipate that. I kind of thought they would just tell me he had a virus and I was being a panicky mom. Nope.

It's so pathetic how sick he is. Earlier he had almost no energy. When he wanted to go upstairs he crawled up the stairs only to pass out once he got to the top. Thankfully Grant caught up on his sleep so that I was able to really take care of Aid....turned out he didn't really need that much taking care of. He needed his antibiotic. Then we had some ice cream. Then we took turns watching our shows on the tv. He didn't even care when it was my turn to watch a soap. He just took a little snooze and I watched on...

Come to think of it, this whole pneumonia thing might not be such a bad thing after all!



  1. Poor Aiden!!! :( They are such sad little creatures when they're sick.

  2. get well soon, Aiden
