Monday, July 20, 2009

Birthday Party Play Date

We hosted a play date today in honor of all of the kids with summer birthdays in my new mommy group. I let Aid pick out his birthday cake last week for our family birthday party this coming weekend. He picked a dinosaur cake. So when I was trying to explain to him why all of our friends were coming over he kept saying "Aidee get his dino cake?" No...."Aidee get presents?" No....Crap. My friend Kelly though saved the day and brought presents and balloons!! There were cupcakes galore. Balloons. Bubbles. Naked Swimming. And more cupcakes. Now that's a birthday party!

Aid and the boys playing chase with the trains.

Grant hung out and LOVED all the kids!

Aid, Lexa, and Ryan!



  1. Happy Birthday summer babies! I love all the pictures of everyone...they're all getting SO big. We miss you all!

  2. Gotta love any party you can be nekkid at!!
