Friday, July 31, 2009

Dinosaur Dude

We had Bob's family reunion tonight. It was a success! The most successful part of the whole evening?? Aid's new found idol in his cousin Charlie. Aid came to find me very distraught because he wanted to sit by "Dinosaur Dude." Huh? I don't know who that is. I thought maybe he needed some down time and wanted to watch his new dinosaur movie. Nope.

He brought me to the door where his older cousin Charlie was sitting with his mom. "Aidee sit next to Dino Dude." How did Charlie become Dino Dude? Not sure. But it's sticking. Seriously, Charlie and his little sister Grace were the flower girl and ring bearer at our wedding. They were adorable then and they are such great kids now. They take care and play with all of the younger cousins running around.

You're a great kid Dino Dude!

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