Monday, February 22, 2010

Acts of Kindness

Aid is a great big brother. I know I have often bragged about it on this blog, but I am just constantly amazed at how he cares for Grant. He will now share his dinosaurs with Grant. Most of the time. This means there are exactly two people who are allowed to touch those. Grant and Sam. That's it. To everyone else they are basically off limits.

But I have wondered how much is for my benefit. I make a big deal about catching every sweet positive moment between the two of them. But he will also make a point to let me know when he is sharing or doing something nice. If nothing else the kid responds to positive reinforcement.

Today on our way into ECFE, I reminded Aid to look out for his little brother and help him if he gets sad. "Sure mama." I didn't really expect him to even notice him quite honestly. Aid loves his classroom, and is gone the moment we walk in the door. But when I came to pick them up the teacher pulled me aside to tell me how impressed she had been with Aiden. She told me that they have their snack time at the end of class. After snack they have quiet reading time until the parents come. Grant was not done eating his snack as the other children went to grab books. Aid apparently went and grabbed (you guessed it, a dino book) but brought it back to the table and proceeded to read it to Grant as he finished his snack.

I teared up a bit as she told me. I just can't get over what a nice kid Aid is. He has his moments, sure, but he is really very caring and empathetic to others. And he genuinely loves his baby brother. And it makes my heart melt.


  1. Your heart must be bursting with pride! I rarely see Aiden, but I when I do he is always so sweet to Miles and Stella. Good job, Mom and Dad!!

  2. That made me tear up, too! I love that little man.
