Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Curses to You Cailou!

I don't know if you have ever noticed this before, but Cailou's mother bakes. Alot. I do not bake a lot. Every time she bakes something, I KNOW I am going to be asked to bake the same thing. Today she made a cake. So all morning long, Aid asked me to make him a cake like Cailou's mom. Normally I would not just cave to PBS mom pressure, but since I was headed to the store I decided to indulge Aid.

I got a low fat brownie mix and blue icing. Aid had somehow managed to talk me into it being a dinosaur cake. You are shocked, I can tell. He helped me make the cake and him and Grant split the mixer pieces. This is a tradition Grant is all for.

I really thought this was going to earn me the cool mom of the year award. It did not. Because I made a Brontosaurus instead of his favorite, the T-Rex. Which I actually contemplated, but is much harder to draw. He looked at it, and initially exclaimed, "You made a blue dino cake just for me??!" Then he stared at it a bit longer and stuck out his bottom lip. "You should practice drawing a T-Rex so you can make it next time."

"I'm pretty sure that is not what Cailou said to him mommy!!" Why do I even try?

(And no, it is not burnt. Thanks mom for the pan!)


  1. give it a couple fangs and tell him its a T-Rex

  2. I am totally impressed. And you might know how I feel about Caillou! Dang that little bald kid! :)

  3. It looks like a T-Rex to me. LOL. Good job Karen!
