Monday, December 17, 2012

One Vicious Black Morning

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Interpretive Christmas Dance

When It Snows, It Snows....

I haven't heard the total inches yet but it has been snowing since 11pm last night. We have already shoveled once and you can't tell.

Jealous mom?!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Acts of Kindness

 In preparing Aid for the playground at school we had lots of talks about playground social etiquette.  How to ask someone to play.  How to make sure it's not just your game you always want to play.  How to walk away from fights if possible (this one came up earlier then I thought it would). And how to try to include people that don't have anyone to play with.  I have to admit that this last one had two purposes.  One, that I obviously want my children to be people who care about other people's feelings.  But two, I am always worried about the friend situation.  I figured that if he turned out to be the one on the playground that no one was playing with then he could perhaps find another kid that no one was playing with and then he wouldn't be alone.  And if my years have taught me anything it's that one good friend is worth a thousand not so good ones.

Tonight before bed Aid told me he had something to tell me.  I braced myself.  (I think this will be my immediate response every time I hear these words.)

"Mom, today I saw a kid on the playground that wasn't playing with anybody.  He looked sad.  He's in another kindergarten class.  I think he's five because he's smaller then me.  So I did what you told me to do.  I asked him if he wanted to play with me and my friends."

(Me tearing up.) "What did he say?"

"He said no.  But he looked sad."

So we talked about asking him again, because maybe he wasn't sure if you meant it....or maybe he's shy. Or maybe he didn't understand what game you were playing, etc.

"Ok mama. Everyone needs a friend. Even a little guy littler then me."

(Me still tearing up)

"That's right buddy. Everyone needs a friend."

Amongst all the things that I am doing wrong, clearly some things are also going very right.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dribble Drabble

Aid and Grant each have their strengths.  Aid is creative, sweet, smart, inquisitive and imaginative.  Grant is funny, stubborn, forgiving, playful, and athletic.

Very athletic.

The kid is a natural.  He jumps, he flips, he kicks, and he dribbles.

Aid has been religiously practicing his basketball dribbling skills.  He has been very determined.  He is making some progress.  But if I'm being honest I have to try not to giggle when he's doing it.  It looks a little painful.  Tonight he was showing off his newly practiced skills to Grant...who then asked if he could have a turn... 

And then killed it.  He was Globe Trotting  all over the house.  For good measure he threw in, "You just gotta practice Aid!"

Nothing like having your 3 year old brother school you on the court.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Grant's Final Stand

We are going through a stage with Grant (courtesy of Aid's previous stage) of finicky eating.  Mimicking his brother, it is almost 100% certain that when I tell him what is for dinner he will yell, "I don't like that yucky food!"

Tonight it came again.

"Mom, what's for dinner?"

"Turkey burgers and sweet potato french fries!"

"Yuck! I don't like that food!"

Bob:  "Go apologize to your mother, she works hard to make us all dinner."

Grant marches into the kitchen... says in his nicest cutest little voice:

"Mommy.  I'm really sorry. But I don't like the food you make.  Can I have a treat?"

" Gant.  You may not have a treat."

In a final act of rebellion he firmly states:

"Well, fine then.  If I do not get a treat then I. am. taking. my. underwear. off!!!"

Ok little dude. You gotta do what you gotta do I guess.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bus Stop Battles

Seriously, waiting at the bus stop in the morning with these three (and Addie) is a highlight of my day.

Dino Bump

Yep, even our board games are dino themed.

Dad realizing he was dino bumped!


Addie is the new little girl that I am watching. 

She. is. adorable.

We adore her.  She is easy going.  Mellow.  Silly.  Girly.  A little whiney (but what 14 month old isn't?)  She rolls with whatever needs to happen.  She's afraid of playgrounds (?!) but loves to give snuggles.  She loves books.   Hates hot dogs (I don't blame her).  And is getting pretty good about signing things.

I feel really lucky to be able to watch this little person.  When one door closed another definitely was opened.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Sunday, October 14, 2012

End of Innocence

Ok not really.  But what a dramatic title!

Gone are the days where every piece of clothing had to have a dinosaur on them.  Don't get me wrong, they are still appreciated (and Grant is over the moon that every single hand me down is a dino) but now we look for skulls and cross bones, monsters, robots, ninjas, etc.  And he wants a mohawk.  (I did not say no but I did say no mohawks until he is able to fix his hair by himself.) And a tatoo (we have a firm no tattoos until you are 20 and a young adult rule.)

This is our latest fall look:

Monster hat, skeleton sweatshirt ( you don't have to wear it zipped all the way up and he usually has it down), skeleton gloves, addidas warm up pants, robot t-shirt, and light up Sketchers (but black and red because they look like ninja shoes.)

And no, this is not our Halloween costume!

Sunday, September 30, 2012


From this:

To this:

Oh how the time flies....

Monday, September 10, 2012

Next Chapter

One of my friends commented, "Welcome to the next chapter!" on a facebook post about school.

Boy was she right.

Aid started Kindergarten and he couldn't be more ready.  I'm so glad that we waited another year because while I'm sure he would have worked it out last year, this year there is not a doubt in my mind that he's ready.

There has been no hesitation.  He explained that since we had visited the school and played on the playground that he wasn't nervous anymore.  Really? At all?  Cause Mom's a nervous wreck. We met our friends out front while waiting to catch the bus!!!! He did ask me to meet him at the school to remind him where he class was.  I beat the bus there and waited anxiously for him.  He got off the bus talking with another little boy, caught my eye, and said, "Mom, I don't need you to walk me in.  I got this."  I sat there stunned for half a second before a teacher jumped in, "He is ready mom!"

I teared up and cried all the way home. Again, it's a mother's curse.  While I know I have done my job well seeing him so confident and sure of himself;  I wanted to share the moment with him.  But it really isn't my moment.  It's his moment.  And he shined.

SO proud of you Aid.  I will miss spending my days with you but know it's time for the start of your own journey in life.  But I'll always be here, right behind you. Cheering you on!

On the way to get in the car decided he was down to ride the bus (which had been the plan up until last night)

He even told Grant he would miss him.

Our neighbor buddy is off to start his pre-K adventure!

Quick freak out before the bus gets here picture with neurotic anxious mom!

There he goes....

There he goes.....right past mom. lol

His little desk buddy Andy.


Friday, September 7, 2012

Grant Starts School

So if I thought it was a bit emotional to send Aid to preschool for the first time, sending my baby is...I don't even have a word for it.  He has been so excited and watching him walk up with his little back pack had me choked up.  Instantly.  What is happening?! The baby is going to school?  It's only two mornings a week this year.  Really just to get him into this idea of mommy is dropping you off somewhere.  Which I have been incredibly blessed not to have to do.  The icing on the cake is that his best girl, Grace, is going to the same school! They are not technically in the same classroom, but he is super excited to be in the same building with her. 

He's ready folks. Am I?

He wanted me to take a picture of his back pack. He's very pleased with his selection.

Checking out the playground.  Aid is flabbergasted that Grant did not want to go to his Mecca of a preschool. "This is your playground?!  There are no woods.  Or llamas."  Oh dear, public school might be a big dose of reality for the oldest!! ;)

Game face on.

Photo by Aid.

His adorable little classroom.

His preschool teacher Ms. Jennifer! Who seems to like him.  He was very seriously asking her where the dinosaurs were.  She promised him she would pull them out when school started. (sigh)

Yep. She's really at my school!

Grant is going to make an excellent husband some day. He's got 'do whatever your honey wants you to do' down pat.

In front of his cubby.  Big brother was very good about showing him the ropes. While mom choked back tears. Good grief.

This ones for you mom.  The preschool is non denominational but off the church. 

Good Luck Grant.  You are going to do great! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Grandma Mac Love

We have been reading the Five Love Languages.

I know, I know sounds a bit cheesy but it's really a great book.  I recommend it to all couples.  The basic premise is that people feel love in different ways.  And that the easiest way to make your partner feel loved is to show them through their own language.  The challenge is to remember your partner's love language and apply it.  We both struggle with this as we fall into our ruts.

Love Language #1- Words of Affirmation- Compliments, words of appreciation, positive communication. (BOB)

Love Language #2- Receiving Gifts- Does not have to be over the top gifts. Could be a sticky note with a heart on it. But a token of some sort.

Love Language #3- Quality Time- Self explanatory I think, but someone's husband has a hard time remembering. (ME)

Love Language #4- Acts of Service- doing things you know your spouse will like. Chores, projects, etc. (This is a close second for me and I believe for most of the women in my family).

Love Language #5- Physical Touch- Again self explanatory.

The book points out that if you show your partner that you love them by speaking to them in their love language they will receive it.  If you don't, they may not.  So even if you are spending every night hanging out with your spouse they might not feel loved because you haven't taken out the garbage.  Makes a lot of sense to me and seems so simple.  But it's really actively loving, which can be hard to do on a daily basis.

My mother is a gift giver.  She is the most giving person I know.  Often to a fault.  She very often gives more then she should give and sometimes to people undeserving of her efforts.  But it is also the most beautiful thing about her.  Aid's primary love language is receiving gifts.  And not just toys, which is a given.  Any token.  He treasures it.  Reward charts are brilliant for him because he gets a star when he follows through and then gets another token of some sort when he has earned it.  He responds to it.  My mother has sent us "Grandma boxes" ever since we moved out here.  And there is usually something for all of us in it.  But Aid always appreciates it the most.  Grant does to, but more in a 'don't want to be left out' sort of way.  (I can't quite pin point Grant's just yet. I think it's Quality Time). While we were in Oregon Aid fell in love with the Velveeta Shells and Cheese my mom makes.  I don't know why I hate it.  It's all fake processed food.  Why do I care if the fake cheese is in powder form or goo form?  So in this Grandma box was a box of Velveeta Shells and Cheese.  With a note saying "I'm thinking about you Aiden and Grant and missing you."  Aid melted.  Not only over the noodles but over the note. "She wrote a note to me!"  My mother speaks his language and despite all my eye rolling and snarky comments to her about sending too much stuff, when I see that look on his face and see how loved he feels even from across the country, I feel grateful.  So grateful to have a mom who loves my kid enough to send a box of noodles to him.

I love you mom. 

Monday, September 3, 2012


Bob bought a Vote No on the Minnesota Marriage Amendment for our yard.

While we are both extremely vocal about where we stand on issues we have never before put a sign in our front yard declaring to everyone where we stand.  We see this issue as that important.  This is not a gray issue.  This is not an issue that feels like there is another side.  I mean, of course there is technically another side.  But this issue speaks to civil liberties.  It is a divisive issue.  And it should be.  Most other issues I can see both sides.  I really can.  I know where I stand on it, but I can clearly see the other side.  Not this one.  Because contrary to belief, Westernized America does not have patent on marriage.  Nor do it's churches.  Different cultures all across the world have different beliefs and practices surrounding marriage.  And that is the point.  It is not just one way.  It is not just between a man and a woman.  It can be between a man and several women in some cultures.  It can be an arranged union of children in some cultures.  In some marriages, women are seen as property.  And it certainly has advanced beyond the point of 'for the purpose of procreation', because with science there are ways for people who want babies to have babies if the old fashioned way just doesn't work.  So why in this country are we fighting over whether gay and lesbian couples have the right to marry?  Why wouldn't they?  They are people.  They love.  They commit.  They want families.  Why shouldn't they be able to?  Some people's response is that because it will ruin the institution of marriage.  Well, don't get me started on how heterosexual couples are doing that just fine all on their own.  But explain to me HOW.  How does it affect anyone else's marriage?  How other countries and cultures view marriage doesn't change the inside of mine.  And someone else's marriage shouldn't change the inside of yours.
I explained all of this to Aiden and Grant.  From an age appropriate level, of course.  But they are now very proud that we have that sign in our yard.  The conversation continued during dinner.  Bob asked Aid, " So mom said she explained to you what the sign means." "Yes," he says, "Everyone should be able to get married if they love each other. That's right!"

Bob: "Do you want to get married Aid?"

Aid:  "Oh no. Not me.  I don't want to get married.  I want to be a rock star."

Bob:  "Rock stars get married."

Mom:  "Not for very long usually."

(Just saying.)

On the eve of our 8th wedding anniversary this post is especially important to me.  8 years ago I married my best friend.  We have been through some high highs and the lowest of lows.  I did not realize when I committed to this man 8 years ago all that I was committing to.  I had no idea how hard it was to not just keep a marriage together, but to keep it strong.  We still have our moments.  We still have our struggles.  But we have built something that no one else can threaten or take down.  Only we can do that.  It has been incredibly tough and incredibly beautiful to build a life with someone. 

I love you Bob. I love our family.  And I will always fight for it.  And I will fight for others to be able to have the same opportunity to have what we have.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

To The Moon and Back

My sister's friend from high school posted a blog on her facebook page this morning.  This family has lost not just one, but two children within a year and a half.  One from a strep infection that turned sepsis and one from SIDS.  I cannot imagine. I am not sure that I would be able to get back up from that.  They have two surviving boys and a deep faith in God that seem to be pulling them through.  But I am amazed.

And humbled.

So often we grumble our way through life.  The boys won't give me space.  They are fighting with one another to the point I want to scream.  They are arguing with me at every turn.  And as I read their blog perspective kicks in and I am once again reminded how very blessed I am to have these two little people and all the frustrating moments I have with them.  Once again I am reminded how short and brutal life can be and I need to hold on to what I have while I have it.

Grant came upstairs while I was reading the blog.  "What's wrong mama?"

"Nothing baby, just reading something very sad that makes mommy want to hug you. Do you know how much I love you?"

" mama."

"I love you to the moon and back my baby."


"You want me to go to the moon mama? I don't want to go to the moon in a rocket ship!!"

"No, no moon for you."

"Ok mama. I love you too."


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dinosaurs, Dinosuars, and MORE Dinosaurs

We road tripped it to and from Oregon this year.  In some ways it was much more fun then flying (I never once thought I was going to die), in some ways it was harder (hearing,  "I need to pee" after 15 minutes after the last pee on hour 25 was brutal) and not really all that much difference price wise.  But we did it and we made some great memories.  Our favorites were the dinosaur museums! Who knew there were such a plethora of them!

This was our first leg out! The novelty had not worn off just yet!!!

He sat and talkec with these two for close to 45 minutes. Mutual dinosaur lovers. It was adorable.

On the way back we hit up Vernal, UT.  Which was gorgeous.  I tried to convince Bob to move there. Smack dab in the middle. A road trip both ways, GORGEOUS geography, camping (with NO mosquitos!) and dinosaur museums! He didn't technically tell me no....;)

Our dino pose. Aid is a raptor of some sort. You can tell by his three claws!
I love these two. Especially when they are in "I love my brother" mode.

Holding  a fossil is serious business.

Wall of fossils

Grant was a little nervous with this one!

Happy happy boy

Then we saw the Dinosaur National Monument.  It's breathtaking. It's an entire rock wall of real fossils.  Like they found so many they just didn't even both to dig them out, they just built a building around it. It's amazing.  And you could touch them.  Epic.

DUDE. Told you. Awesome.

It was a great trip. Great. Aid was super excited and I believe thought the entire trip was geared toward him.  Ok, it was.  Grant loves dinos too; but it remains to be seen if it's going to be his thing.  Right now his things are whatever his brother is doing.  So when he has a thing we will gear an entire trip around it!!