Monday, March 9, 2009


As you know we have always attended something called Tot Time every Monday and Wednesday unless there is some other free and tempting event through my mommy group. It's basically a gym full of lots of toys and lots of kids and during the winter months when you are all cooped up it's a pretty good free (key word here) activity.

We haven't been the Tot Time since Grant. So despite being sick, it was time to do an activity with both boys outside of a friend's home. It took SO much longer then I anticipated getting us all ready and out the door and I was an hour late to my first Tot Time back. But I have good friends with kids that have tons of energy to burn off and they were there waiting for us!

You have to sign in when you get there with you name and how many there are of you. I signed us in as 3 today....I paused for a moment realizing it was the first time I had been back and there were now 3 of us. I teared up. Couldn't help it.

I know it's little and maybe won't even make sense to some people. But it got me. It was a little moment. A little milestone. And sometimes it's the little things that count.

1 comment:

  1. I teared up the first time I went to the bank to pay a bill with Jake. Remembering that I had thought the month before "the next time I do this baby will be here! "
