Wednesday, March 4, 2009

You Gotta Love This Kid

So we are very obviously in the no sleeping stage of all of this. The reading I have done and our pediatrician said that he will continue to wake up to eat every few hours until he is 2-3 months old. I don't know how they come up with this or how it happens that just about every other baby in the world is sleeping 5-7 hours that we know. But so be it. As Bob put it, these are our cards.

Now, I don't know if it's just because I am finally adjusting (accepting?) that I will be up every few hours but it is getting slightly better. He is pretty predictable and we are starting to have something that resembles a routine forming here. I am realizing that little Grant actually has some pretty good sleep habits forming. He loves to be laid down (granted on his tummy) in his crib. He prefers it. He does like to held if he is just dozing, but if he is ready for bed or his nap he is uncomfortable and squirmy until you put him down. He also does not fall asleep nursing. I have worked harder to encourage this. I change his diaper and burp him after I nurse him. I also think there is a combination of his digestive system maturing and us helping him work with his gas/pooping issues. He gets a warm bath every night to help get things moving, we give him gas drops if he seems particularly uncomfortable, and we do lots of tummy massage and bicycle moves with him. You can tell he is part Bures with all of the farting, burping, and grunting going on!! He also is strangely able to put himself back to sleep a lot of the time. This is an unheard of talent in our little family! Aiden still toddles into our room to this day and has to be walked back to bed.

So while we are exhausted and still in survival mode....we are seeing some signs that perhaps this will all end well.

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