Thursday, March 19, 2009

Two For Two

Ok. So it was 50 degrees. Sunny. Warm. We were dying to go for a walk. So we all decided to go on one around the lake that ends at....a playground. But this playground has that rubber surface so it should all be melted. Right?


Seriously. I give up trying to be a good, active mom.

Well, at least we still had a good time.

Someone tell me when winter is officially OVER here?!


  1. Ha! Giving up is the first sign you're truly becoming a Minnesotan!

  2. HA HA!!

    At least Bob was with you this time too. And remember, the playgrounds are never, ever flooded in Oregon

  3. It will all be dry before you know it...until then you just have to teach Aid about puddle jumping! It burns just as much energy in half the time but you do end up with cold wet kids & extra laundry.

  4. I agree with Angie. Just get the kid some rubber boots and let him go to town. Then you will never have to worry about the conditions of the playground. Now that's truly Minnesotan.
