Monday, April 27, 2009

Grant Goes to the Movies

We wanted to treat Aid to a movie. He got his blood drawn (to recheck his lead. Yes we will let you know what it is when we get the results) and we thought it would be a big deal and it would be fun to treat him.

Well, he did fabulous at the blood draw. They had to lay him down and have one nurse hold his arm so he didn't move it and the other drew the blood with an IV looking thing. I sat cringing. I hate IV's. More then anything. The nurse took one look at his little arm and said..."You have great veins." If I had a dime for every time someone a nurse made that comment with me....It was funny to hear someone say it to my son. Anyway, he did great. He did not cry at all. He sat there almost smiling, relishing all of the positive praise and attention he was getting. The kid eats up being praised. He'll do anything you want him to do if you tell him how great he is.

So then we were off to the movie. It was fun. For the first 30 minutes. Grant sat staring in awe and then wanted to nurse and go to sleep. Aid, however, was wired. He had skipped his nap for the Dr. appointment so he was in overtired crazy mode. We went to see Earth. $17 to watch the exact same thing that we had at home. Planet Earth. I thought it would be a little different. And while it was even cooler on the big screen there was nothing different. And I had a baby I had to nurse and walk to sleep as well as a 2 1/2 year old who was too antsy to sit still and watch something he has seen a million times. Sigh. Bob looked like he was enjoying it.

But we did it. And even though it was work. We were all in it together. And had a good time anyway.

But don't let these happy pictures fool you....

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