Thursday, April 9, 2009

Two Peas In A Pod

We went to visit our friends Emilie and Sam. They moved to Rochester which is about an hour and a half away. We have started alternating visits once a month and I look forward to those visits. Not only is Em fabulous and a great friend, Sam and Aid just love each other. It's really cuter then I can explain. They gave each other several hugs and were so happy to be reunited. Sam is not significantly older then Aid. So they play games on a more even basis. And they have similar temperments so when there are snags in their play (which honestly are rare) they are both able to problem solve pretty well. I hope Matilda and Grant get along just as well....because I'm planning their wedding.

Wow, Sam has really grown!

Both Matilda and Grant slept for an hour (!) so we were able to go outside and play t-ball with the boys! Aid, as I suspected is a little too young to really grasp what's supposed to happen; but Em made it so fun for him!

They have some good hills to run down. Aid found the mud spot at the bottom of one. He had to borrow some clothes of Sam's and I could not get him to take them off for 2 days!

This is the best one I could get. At one point they were holding hands but I missed the shot. Stupid slow camera!

They are also a good match because Sam is fascinated with Aid's collecting!

This is my favorite picture ever. They sat and talked about the cars driving by and the birds in the trees for several minutes.

See what I mean? Freaking adorable.
Em, I would travel any distance so that we could see you guys! Thank you both for being such good friends to us. We love you!


  1. I want to print this out and look at it every time I need to be cheered up. Being able to see you any time is the one thing I've missed since moving! These are ridiculously cute pictures. Sam has been talking about Aiden non-stop. He saved a chair for him at lunch today. I know that's cute but it made me so sad!

    Hmmm...Matilda Bures...that's not too bad! :)

  2. does make me sad. Aid has been talking about Sam too and how sad he was at the end.
    "Oh, Sam was sad." "We go see Sam mama?" How do you explain to a 2 1/2 year old once a month??
