Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Good times were had by all. However, I learned one very valuable lesson. I realized that I had such a hard time letting go with the coloring of the Easter eggs. I wanted them to look nice and kept stressing when Aid did things I thought would ruin them or got too messy. Bob pointed out that my attempt to make the moment perfect was adding too much pressure and wasn't making it fun at all. Once I let Aid take out the eggs and put them in as many colors as he wanted to we all loosened up and enjoyed the moment. I learned it wasn't about it being perfect. The perfection came in the imperfection of it all...

Our learning of colors is coming along. Aid knew which was the green dye!

Ahh!!! I tried so hard not to let it drive me crazy he looked like a dyed Easter Egg himself. He still has pink fingers!!

Grandma and Grandpa B and Bob hid the eggs!

Libby was an Easter Egg hunter pro!

Aid worked really hard at it!

But he looked damn cute doing it!!!

Josie is just the most darling little thing you have ever seen!

Grant let Auntie Anna rock him to sleep. So now there are 3 other people who have this secret ability. Bob, my dad, and Anna. We're making progress. You just have to have the touch I guess!

Aid hangs with Uncle Joe.

Grant looked like an Easter Egg himself!

This is the face of a little boy who had a good day.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry, I had to re-do my comment. I'm tired and ate too much candy today. What I was trying to say was, It looks like Aiden had so much fun, especially in that last picture. Adorable.

  3. Good lesson indeed! I think the eggs look "perfect"--you may have a budding artist on your hands:) I can't wait until Miles is old enough to get into the fun stuff!

  4. Thanks for the great dinner and very fun day! We sure had a good time.
