Monday, February 2, 2009

From One to Two

I knew that there were going to be some hard changes to make. I just didn't know how sad some of them would make me.

I have basically been doing bedtimes with Aid since he was born. It's been me and him. Bob has progressively participated more and more, and within the last few months has become a major bedtime player. But even if Bob was the one doing the reading I have usually been in the room. I can probably count on both hands the number of bedtimes I have missed.

With Grant this has become increasingly difficult. I have probably only done 2 or 3 bedtimes and during those times I listened to Grant scream from the other room. Grant is too young to introduce a bottle too (without possibly messing up our breastfeeding which we are slowly getting a handle on.) If I could it would be easy. I could alternate. But as it stands, they both tend to go to sleep around the same time. Which should make me happy that they are on the same schedule. But it doesn't. It's horrible. Because every nap time, every bed time is a choice. Which son will I choose to be with? And the majority of the time I have chosen to feed Grant because I cannot tell him to wait a minute. No one else can feed him yet. And Bob can be there for Aid.

But I want to be there for Aid. Tonight I tried to compromise. I promised Aidee that I would quickly feed Grant and put him down and then come back. An hour and a half later I finally got Grant down. His tummy has been off and he has been very gassy and poopy and having a hard time. So by the time I raced back into Aid's room, he was fast asleep. I sobbed. I feel like I am letting him down. I am supposed to be able to figure out how to balance their needs. As I listen to Aid sob that he wants Mama I feel like a failure.

Earlier today Grant was actually sleeping and I was very excited to be able to do nap time with Aid. I have been thinking if I can at least do one of them each day then I will have compromised both of their needs. I went to pick him up to take him and he began asking for Bob. I asked if he wanted mommy or daddy to put him nigh nigh....he chose Bob.

In that moment I felt how I imagine he must be feeling. My aunt gave me advice when I told her we were having a second baby. She said meet the toddler's needs first because they will remember. But it hasn't been that simple. Times are changing. They have to and there will be many more rough spots. But this one...this one breaks my heart a little bit each time it happens....


  1. I obviously don't have any BTDT advice, but I wanted to send you BIG hugs!! You're an awesome momma and I'm sure in no time you'll get your time in with both. Everything is still so new and crazy right now!


  2. I wish I had some advice, but I am still struggling with this internal dilemma daily. I think we are just programmed to never let our children down, which if fine when there is only one that needs you. If it's any consolation, both my kids are still alive and seem to be functioning fine.

  3. I was 3 when Tony was born, and I'm sure my mom and dad had to make some sacrifices for him, but if it makes you feel any better, I don't remember any of it. The one vivid memory I do have from when my brother was a baby is the weekend we left him at Greg and Linda's so my mom & dad could spend time with just me. Soooo, Aiden will forgive you - I still love my parents, afterall. :)

  4. I must disagree with your aunt that said the toddler will, really, he won't. Just do your best. It gets easier.

    Veronica remembers that the time without Tony was wonderful, when it truth it was a horrid trip. She fell off the picnic table, landed on top of her head, and left us wondering how she didn't break her neck. She was terrified to sleep in the tent and was awake all night. Thankfully, not crying---just pertrified. We went home a day early.What she remembers is the love, not the details. So will Aiden and Grant. Don't be so hard on yourself.

  5. LOL. It was you who told me that!!! LOL.

    I'll get the hang of it....:)

  6. Was I drinking? I really have no recollection of that conversation. Maybe Mike is right and I do talk so much that even I don't hear what I say.

    LOL, I suppose that I CAN be wrong sometimes but in this case, which time was it?

    Since we all know that I am always right. It must be that you can mess up parenting at any age and your kid will turn out okay long as they remember the LOVE.

  7. BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I am now picturing this disaster of a camping trip, after which I can't believe my parents ever took me again! And yet, what do I remember? Leaving stupid Tony behind because my parents loved me. LOL. How funny...

    New advice: Don't let either of them sit on a picnic table unattended. ;)

  8. I am cracking up that you are bantering back and forth on the blog! You guys are the same person!! LOL.
    And I love you both!
