Grant is a very expressive little thing. He is constantly making noise. Gurgles, grunts, slurps, gulps, screaming, and happy sighs. Aid was such a quiet baby he hardly made a peep. Which is also why it was harder for me to let him cry things out in his bed. He hardly ever cried so it broke my heart when he did. I also jumped at every little sound he made during naps, etc for the same reason. Ok, I was perhaps a little over jumpy. So sue me, we all made it through alright!
But Grant makes so many noises I am not terribly upset to hear him cry. And I listen to him squirm around in his crib to see if he can put himself back to sleep. Good or bad you can easily tell where Grant is at based on all of his sounds. You can tell when he is pooping or farting (trust me), you can tell when he is hungry, you can tell when he is just plain pissed. Right now, however, I am listening to him happily coo and sigh in the swing. Is it possible that thus far in his little life that I haven't screwed anything up and he is happy?
The level to which we screw them up doesn't appear until adulthood. Its WAY to soon to know. :)