Friday, February 6, 2009

Mommy Time

I am in desperate need of some mommy down time. I have not been by myself for one moment since Grant was born. Since before he was born actually because I was trying to give Aid lots of attention as a preemptive measure. So tonight I tried to sneak upstairs for some down time with Grant. I turned on my crappy reality tv show that I love, grabbed some chocolate, and was excited to relax and fall asleep early with Grant.

It did not play out as I had planned. Aid made his way upstairs. Followed by Bob. It was ok at first and we all kind of lounged in the bed watching tv. And while it wasn't what I had been hoping for it was nice. Then it got later and Aid had more melt downs and before you know it he has spilled my whole water bottle of ice water on the bed, is screaming about Bob taking away the chocolate he had stolen from me, and Grant woke up and wanted to be fed again. I wanted to cry.

I know it is going to be near impossible to get some me time with no children. Grant will be nursing every 2 hours for a bit here. But I really do need a night where I just get to lay in bed with just him so that when he is done eating I get to take a mommy time out....if only for an hour.

Is that wishful thinking?


  1. Not wishful thinking at all. You need to DEMAND time for yourself or you won't be any good for anyone. Maybe Bob and Aid could go see Grandma and Grandpa for an overnight - ?

  2. Have Bob take Aid OUT!

  3. Bob & Aid must need to go to the Children's gym for Boys Day! :)
